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十大正规体育平台’s New FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station Provides Benefits to Rental Companies Across Germany


几年来, 十大正规体育平台’s FreeSpeak™ digital wireless product family has been one of 的 most widely used wireless intercom systems in Germany, a trend that is continuing with 的 newest addition to 的 family, 的 FreeSpeak边缘® Base Station.  十大正规体育平台’s German Partner, Audio-Technica, has provided FreeSpeak边缘 Base Stations to numerous customers since its release earlier this year—rental companies, live events companies and video production companies—and it has been extremely well-received by 的 marketplace.

The first FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station in Germany was delivered to COBRA声光 in Hamburg, where it was immediately put to use ensuring smooth operations for several productions.

“The big plus of 的 new FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station is its interfacing capabilities,” 说 Hendrik Thode of COBRA声光. In his role, Hendrik is responsible for all communications solutions for COBRA. “In addition to providing plenty of 4-wire ports, 的 base station can also connect directly to Dante devices, and 的 CCM™ programming is very self-explanatory and intuitive,他说.

The Edge Base station has also found success in several deployments for Freaksound 在Bruchkobel.

“Our main business is in 的 dry hire sector, but we are noticing a trend that people also like to call on our technical expertise on-site for extensive intercom setups,” explained Stefan Niemeyer, one of Freaksound’s 董事总经理s. “In our first deployment of 的 base station, we used it during Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt’s 夏夜 performance to gain practical experience with it.”

汉斯·Gremm, 的 intercom technician on-site at 的 Philharmonie, 说, “The Dante connection made it very easy on-site to integrate 的 different mixing consoles into 的 intercom setup. With 的 help of 的 web interface [CCM], I was able to reliably monitor 的 system during 的 entire production.”

“For us, flexibility is 的 trump card in day-to-day business. A base station that can connect analog partyline, balanced audio as well as Dante directly allows us to react to our customers’ requirements at any time and to respond to spontaneous requests during production,尼迈耶总结道.

高清无线, a video production company in Mechernich, has been using various intercom solutions from 十大正规体育平台 in a wide variety of production formats for many years. “We often use 的 Eclipse® HX Matrix platform in our productions, as it provides us with maximum flexibility and almost unlimited resources, 帕特里克·努鲍姆说, 董事总经理, 高清无线.

For smaller productions, 然而, 高清无线 is really enjoying 的 benefits of 的 FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station can offer. “The Edge Base allows us to use our existing components of 的 FreeSpeak family, such as IP and E1 antennas, beltpacks and charging stations, in smaller plug-and-play setups. This makes it cost-effective for us, plus 的 compact base station is cheaper and easier to ship,Nußbaum总结道.

The FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station provides a standalone solution for FreeSpeak边缘 5 GHz systems, as well as support for FreeSpeak二世® 1.9 GHz和2.4 GHZ IP Transceivers via AES67 connections, previously only available through Eclipse® HX Digital Matrix systems with an E-IPA card. The single 1RU device supports up to 16 total beltpacks and 6 IP transceivers (10 E1 Transceivers), with 的 flexibility to mix and match bands, as well as up to eight ports of IP interoperability with third-party Dante connections. 与IP的混合, 2-wire and 4-wire audio ports, 的 FreeSpeak边缘 Base Station can integrate a variety of systems, 包括十大正规体育平台 安可® partyline and even two-way radio systems with an intelligent GPIO interface.

“Countless rental companies in Germany have invested in 十大正规体育平台 to solve 的ir communication requirements in 的 best possible ways,Jan Saueressig说, Brand Manager for 十大正规体育平台 at Audio-Technica. “The FreeSpeak Base Station is ano的r reliable solution from 十大正规体育平台 that provides new opportunities for our customers.”