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十大正规体育平台的基于ip的, 全双工通信解决方案提供可靠性, 医疗应用所需的安全性和灵活性, including unique environments such as Hyperbaric Chambers and Cath Labs. The hands-free operation of the DX410 无线 system helps to maintain hygienic conditions, and FreeSpeak二世’s digital 无线 system offers the most comprehensive 无线 options. Users who don’t need to roam are easily and cost-effectively served by 十大正规体育平台’s 再来一个 partyline system, 哪个提供各种固定或有线端点.


世外桃源® Central Station is a scalable IP intercom platform integrating both wired and 无线 capability. The flexibility and scale make 世外桃源 a great fit for the 运输 industry. A single 1RU box can connect fleet managers to drivers or subway maintenance to dispatch with wired speaker/mic boxes for individuals who are in stationary positions. Or provide beltpack and headset communications for anyone who needs full mobility around a given facility or motor pool. 当对更大容量的需求增长或需要新功能时, field deployable Licensed Port Upgrades can be used to increase 世外桃源’s intercom footprint up to 180 communication endpoints.



适用于小型运输应用或设施, HelixNet provides a small-scale wired system with ease of deployment and crystal clear audio quality. HelixNet provides an easy transition for users of other communication devices by allowing users to focus on their primary task with minimal assistance or training.

HelixNet数字联线是一个有线数字联线系统, 所有频道的用户都能听到所有通话者的声音. Users can select or be assigned any of the system’s 12 or 24 channels with independently mixed Program Audio without changes in the system configuration, 布线, 串音或噪音.



The Trilogy MIU is best used for multiplexing radios and other sources for large scale deployment. The Mercury Interface Unit is a multi-purpose device that provides multi-channel real-time voice communication, 电台的互操作性, 传统电话和VoIP电话, 以及通过地面和/或卫星网络的其他能力. It can be used as a single-site or standalone intercom system of up to 32 users in 关闭 proximity (up to 1500 ft). The MIU acts as a versatile audio processing unit and IP gateway allowing a wide range of external devices, 包括SIP和VoIP设备, 要连接到对讲网络.


Eclipse HX数字矩阵

The Eclipse HX system serves as an advanced central point to route audio communications for bridging radio and other audio systems to create a hybrid, 无线, 虚拟或固定通信平台. The Eclipse system is a flexible and scalable solution to support numerous types of communication for hundreds of users on hundreds of channels. 矩阵系统分配所有的信号, whether those are from communication panels and beltpacks or other sources/destinations such as two-way radios, 电话线路, 寻呼系统. 配备E-IPA卡, Eclipse is a fully IP matrix solution supporting all modern IP standards including AES67.

了解有关Eclipse HX的更多信息


The Agent-IC mobile app gives users remote access to facility communications and can also allow Maintenance teams to communicate back to the office while they are remote. Agent-IC is a mobile app for iOS and Android devices providing a fast-to-deploy solution that complements traditional intercom systems, 例如Eclipse HX, 再来一个模拟方线和HelixNet数字方线系统. Agent-IC在3G智能设备上运行, 4G, LTE和WiFi网络, 并通过LQ或Eclipse系统连接到主通信系统.


(1.9 GHz | 2.4 GHz)

FreeSpeak二世 is the premier 无线 system for large-scale hybrid solutions in situations that require constant roaming communications.

FreeSpeak二世 is a distributed 无线 solution that operates in multiple worldwide license-free frequency bands: 1.9 GHz和2.4 GHz. This high-performance 无线 communication system is designed for extensive communication in large-scale operations. Its ability to maintain a strong and continuous 无线 connection across expansive coverage areas makes FreeSpeak二世 the ideal roaming solution.

了解更多十大正规体育平台freesspeak II

(5 GHz)

FreeSpeak边缘 is an encrypted digital 无线 system for those who need to stay in 关闭 contact even as they roam between locations. 结合Eclipse HX矩阵和FreeSpeak二世无线, FreeSpeak边缘 offers the most expansive wired and 无线 solution for large-scale transportation applications.

A multi-channel duplex digital 无线 communication system operating on the 5 GHz frequency band, the FreeSpeak边缘 system takes advantage of reflections to provide higher performance in the field where multi-path might affect other solutions.


(2.4 GHz)

与所有在上耳机, the DX410 system allow team members to roam freely while working hands-free in any environment.

The DX410 system provides reliable high definition 7 kHz 无线 audio experience combined with incredible value. 该系统支持双向数字对话,免授权2.4 GHz频段.



LQ系列 enables cross-site communications when 布线 isn’t possible to link buildings or sites together, 穿过城市, 州或国家.

LQ系列 are Audio-over-IP interfaces for moving and distributing audio and communications signals to/from one or more communication points. Network geographically-dispersed audio and communications devices of any brand or technology type over secure LAN, 广域网或互联网. Easily scale existing traditional communication systems for expansion and greatly enhance communication with IP capability with SIP or VoIP telephony and mobile apps.


